Chlorophyll Seamoss Gummies

  • Chlorophyll Seamoss Gummies

100% Organic product developed with Science based on Nature. YOU ARE NATURE!!!A few active ingredients and benfits include

Chlorophyll Benefits: Increases blood count, Alkalines blood to reduce blood acidity, Increase blood circulation, detoxify the blood, Kills bacteria in wounds, speeds up healing, Anti-Microbial-stops Yeast Infections, Relieves Gastric Ulcers, Increase Milk production in Lactating Moms, Reduces Inflammation, Improves Liver function, Removes free radicals, detoxify metals from the body, Oxygen Booster, Regrows Hair, Enhances Intelligence and Memory
Seamoss Benefits: Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-Cancer, Anti-Diabetic, Anti- Viral, Polyphenols, Mineral rich, boost Immune System, supports Sex Drive, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium, Magnesium, Pectin, Iron, Vitamins A, B, & C. Improves Thyroid function, Joint & Tissue health, helps with Radiation Poisoning. Out of the 102 minerals that the human body is composed of 92 of them are found in Sea Moss.
Gummy can be taken daily and children love them